Welcome to Thomas Jefferson School #9

Girls on the Run Program Information Below

run  run

Thomas Jefferson is a truly exceptional place to learn and grow! 

We want all students to work towards truly being a member of our school family and earn the right to say that they are a Thomas Jefferson BULLDOG!!

BELIEVE that you can achieve anything you put your mind to!

UNDERSTAND that you came to school to learn and grow as an individual.

LEARN and work together with your peers every day.

LEND a helping hand to those around you.

DETERMINATION is the key to reaching success.

OPEN your mind to learn new and exciting lessons through the year.

GROW as a learner and individual each and every day.

SAFETY each day is our main priority.

Please brainstorm with your child the positive behaviors that you expect of them and support our program! Look for our monthly news updates that are sent home and don't forget to come to our Family Night Events, they are always a blast!



Mrs. Bulger, Principal


Check out our School #9 Instagram @boilermakerbulldogs9! 

District Anti-bullying Coordinator

Jessica Ribaudo-Piskuloski
175 Lanza Ave
Garfield, NJ 07026
973.272.7020 ext. 3297


School Anti-Bullying Specialist

Lauren Weiss
62 Alpine Street
Garfield, NJ 07026
[email protected]

State School Safety Coordinator

[email protected]

Guidance for Parents
